Black lives co-founder Hawk Newsome is raising the alarm if Mayor-elect Eric Adams goes ahead with his plans of re-introducing the Anti-crime unit. In an interview, the activist said that resurrecting the task force will lead to another case like George Floyd’s and Eric Garner’s. The New York-based Black lives matter activist protested returning the Pre Blasio policing model outfaced, where no reforms translated from paper to the streets.
In the interview, Hawk points out that Eric Adams plan to introduce the notorious plainclothes police officers to police the streets is expected to trigger violence across the city. He plans on taking the back seat and watching it happen. He said,
“When a plainclothes police murder another innocent black man instead of arresting them for a crime, it’s only logical that things are handled the American way and not get in the way.”
In an interview with several journalists on Wednesday 10th November 2021, Newsome clarified his comments regarding the meeting he had with Adams on revamping the police reforms, stating that there will be bloodshed.
“Adams seem keen on resurrecting the police reforms, and with it will come riots, fire and a lot of bloodshed from the people struggling to survive the Anti-Crime unit.”
The Disbandment
The N.Y.P.D anti-crime police had previously been in several shootings before its disbandment. This disbandment saw the reassigning of 600 police officers used to target violence. Its move is seen as an excellent police reform as reassignments were to department neighborhoods and the detective bureau, which help with investigations dealing with police misconduct. It was after the much-publicized death of Eric Garner in 2014 by a police officer within the task force.
Black lives Co-Founder Hawk Newsome stated “The task force believes they have free rein when they come on the streets, and it usually only a matter of time before they kill someone. When there is another Eric Garner murder, there will be riots and fires everywhere.”
At the moment, Adams’s heart is on making reforms, but he focuses on the wrong thing. He isn’t looking at the side of New Yorkers or citizens,” reminding New Yorkers that Adams, a former N.Y.P.D. police captain, is still considering the police instead of those electing him.
Different Views
Newsome stance is different from Adams as he actively advocates for defunding of the police. He accused Adams of changing his stand depending on his constituents, stating he only turned Pro-cop for specific constituents. He points out that the plainclothes unit’s policy is outdated and used to pit civilians against the police they are supposed to serve.
On the other hand, mayor-elect Adams states that reducing violence on New York streets is a top priority besides the re-introduction of the Anti-Crime police.
The only place their thoughts agree is on improving the living conditions of the minority by changing how the police interact with the communities.
The Improvements
One year after the fatal death of George Floyd by police, there has been a significant shift in how the community and the police interact.
The police depend more on intelligence gathering using technology to help prevent crimes, shifting from the archaic brute force used previously, something that the Mayor-elect agrees.
Problem Persistence
Anti-crime unites elite force aim was to disarm criminals from the cist’s most problematic areas. The mission was ridding the streets of illegal guns, ensuring a steady fall in the number of violent crimes. Black lives activist Hawk Newsome advises the new mayor that he should shift to gun violence and gun legislature to help his voters. Adams is yet to give a response to this recommendation.
Hawk has since defended himself from statements on bloodshed and riots, saying that he is not advocating for violence. He made it clear the result is inevitable, considering that the move to reintroduce the legislature will be similar to pushing a button for people to go and fight.