USA vs Mexico Chant Chants Of Rivalry

Chants play an integral role in creating an electric atmosphere, rallying support, and expressing the fierce passion of fans. Among the most intense and storied rivalries in international soccer is the one between the United States and Mexico, where chants from both sides echo through the stadiums, embodying each nation’s pride and competitive spirit. The “USA vs Mexico” chant rivalry is more than just a clash of words; it reflects deep-seated cultural pride, historical context, and the genuine desire to outdo the opposing side, making every match between these teams a spectacle of sound and emotion.

The Usa Vs Mexico Soccer Rivalry

The USA vs Mexico soccer rivalry, often regarded as one of the fiercest in international sports, is steeped in rich history and cultural significance. Here are the key points in detail:

Historical Context: The historical context of the USA vs Mexico soccer rivalry is a testament to its longevity and significance. Dating back to the early 20th century, with the first official match played in 1934, this rivalry has grown in intensity over the decades. Fueled by numerous high-stakes encounters, particularly in regional tournaments like the CONCACAF Gold Cup and World Cup qualifiers, each match between these two teams is a battle for dominance in North and Central American soccer.

Cultural and Political Influence: Beyond the pitch, the two countries’ broader cultural and political dynamics influence the rivalry. Immigration, national identity, and economic disparities add meaning to the confrontations. For many fans, supporting their national team also expresses national pride and cultural heritage.

Iconic Matches: Several matches have become legendary, such as the 2002 World Cup Round of 16 clash, in which the USA emerged victorious with a 2-0 win, a match often referred to by American fans as the “Dos a Cero” game. Another memorable encounter was the 2011 Gold Cup final, in which Mexico returned from a 2-0 deficit to win 4-2, showcasing the dramatic nature of this rivalry.

Fan Engagement and Chants: The rivalry concerns the players on the field and the passionate fan bases. Chants from both sides add to the vibrant atmosphere of the matches. American fans often rally behind chants like “I Believe That We Will Win” and “USA! USA! USA!” while Mexican fans bring energy with “¡Sí se puede!” and “Cielito Lindo”. These chants are not only expressions of support but also tools to intimidate the opposition and boost their own team’s morale.

Controversies and Challenges: The rivalry has not been without its controversies. Instances of unsportsmanlike behavior, discriminatory chants, and heated exchanges on and off the field have occasionally marred the spirit of the games. Efforts from soccer federations and fan groups aim to promote a more respectful and inclusive environment, ensuring that the rivalry remains passionate yet respectful.

Continued Evolution: The rivalry evolves as both nations continue to develop their soccer programs. Younger generations of players and fans bring new energy and perspectives, ensuring that the “USA vs Mexico” rivalry remains a dynamic and compelling narrative in international soccer.

Chants That Have Sparked Controversy

Chants that have sparked controversy in the USA vs Mexico soccer rivalry have often brought significant attention and scrutiny. Here are the key points in detail:

One of the most controversial chants associated with Mexican soccer fans is the “puto” chant, often shouted when the opposing goalkeeper takes a goal kick. While some argue that it is meant to be a harmless taunt, it has been widely criticized for its homophobic connotations. FIFA and other soccer governing bodies have taken action, including fines and stadium bans, to discourage using this chant.

Fans from both sides have occasionally used discriminatory chants or racial slurs. Such behavior violates the principles of sportsmanship and fosters an environment of hostility and exclusion. Governing bodies and organizations like CONCACAF have implemented campaigns and penalties to address and mitigate these incidents.

Some chants target the national identity or stereotypes of the opposing team’s country. For example, American fans might use chants that mock Mexican culture or immigration issues, while Mexican fans might chant about perceived American arrogance or political policies. These types of chants can inflame tensions and perpetuate negative stereotypes.

In highly charged matches, controversial chants have sometimes escalated into physical altercations between fans. Retaliatory chants can further exacerbate these situations, leading to crowd violence and requiring intervention from security forces. These incidents highlight the potential for chants to move beyond verbal expression to physical conflict.

In response to these controversies, US Soccer and the Mexican Football Federation have launched initiatives to promote respectful and positive support from their fans. These efforts include public awareness campaigns, collaboration with fan groups, and stricter enforcement of stadium regulations. Educational programs aim to inform fans about the impact of offensive chants and encourage more inclusive cheering practices.

Despite these efforts, fans who view the controversial chants as a tradition or part of the game’s culture sometimes resist. Balancing the preservation of passionate fan support with the need to eliminate harmful behavior remains a complex challenge for soccer authorities.

Memorable Moments Involving Chants From Past Matches

Memorable moments involving chants from past USA vs Mexico matches highlight the decisive role that fan support plays in shaping the atmosphere and impact of these games. Here are the key points in detail:

2002 World Cup Round of 16 (“Dos a Cero”): 

One of the most iconic moments in the rivalry came during the 2002 World Cup in South Korea when the USA defeated Mexico 2-0. The American fans’ chants of “Dos a Cero” (Two to Zero) became legendary, celebrating their unexpected victory over a formidable opponent. This chant has since become a rallying cry for American supporters in subsequent matches against Mexico, symbolizing their triumph on one of the biggest stages.

2011 Gold Cup Final: 

In the 2011 CONCACAF Gold Cup final, Mexico returned from a 2-0 deficit to win 4-2 against the USA. The Mexican fans’ chants of “¡Sí se puede!” (Yes, we can!) and “Cielito Lindo” resonated throughout the stadium as their team mounted an impressive comeback. This match highlighted the passion and resilience of the Mexican fanbase, with their chants playing a pivotal role in boosting their team’s morale.

2015 CONCACAF Cup Playoff: 

In a dramatic match to determine the region’s representative in the 2017 Confederations Cup, Mexico defeated the USA 3-2 after extra time. The Mexican fans’ chants of “Olé, olé, olé, olé, México, México” echoed through the Rose Bowl, creating an electric atmosphere that spurred their team to victory. This game is remembered for its thrilling conclusion and the vibrant support from the stands.

2019 Gold Cup Final: 

Another significant moment came in the 2019 Gold Cup final, where Mexico again triumphed over the USA with a 1-0 win. The chants of “¡Vamos México!” (Let’s go Mexico!) and the now-famous “puto” chant (despite its controversy) was prominent throughout the match. The intensity of the fans’ support underscored the high stakes and emotional investment in this regional rivalry.

Anti-Discrimination Efforts and Fan Reactions: 

In recent years, efforts to combat offensive and discriminatory chants have led to memorable moments of solidarity and respect. For instance, in some matches, coordinated efforts by fan groups to replace controversial chants with positive ones have stood out. Moments where fans collectively refrained from using the “puto” chant following public awareness campaigns have shown the potential for positive change and the impact of responsible fan behavior.

Unique Fan Traditions: 

Both sets of fans have created unique traditions that add to the spectacle of the matches. For example, American Outlaws, a prominent US supporter group, often leads synchronized chants and songs, creating a unified and formidable presence in the stands. On the other hand, Mexican fans are known for their colorful displays, including giant flags and coordinated chants that create a festive and intimidating environment.


The USA vs Mexico soccer rivalry is a powerful showcase of passionate fan support, cultural pride, and competitive spirit. Memorable moments involving chants from both sides highlight these matches’ intensity and emotional significance. While controversial chants have posed challenges, ongoing efforts to promote respectful and inclusive fan behavior continue to shape the atmosphere positively. As this rivalry evolves, the fans’ voices will remain a defining element, ensuring that each encounter is a thrilling and unforgettable experience.


What are the main controversial chants in this rivalry?

One of the most controversial chants is the “puto” chant used by some Mexican fans when the opposing goalkeeper takes a goal kick. This chant has been widely criticized for its homophobic implications, leading to fines and sanctions from FIFA. Efforts are ongoing to eliminate such offensive chants from the game, promoting a more inclusive and respectful atmosphere​.

How have fan behaviors and chants evolved in recent years?

Fan behaviors and chants have seen efforts towards more positive and inclusive expressions of support. US and Mexican soccer federations have launched initiatives to educate fans about their chants’ impact and promote respectful cheering. These efforts aim to preserve the passion and excitement of the rivalry while eliminating discriminatory and offensive behavior.​

What is the significance of the “Dos a Cero” scoreline?

“Dos a Cero” refers to the 2-0 victories by the US Men’s National Team (USMNT) over Mexico, which have become iconic in their rivalry. This scoreline first gained prominence during the 2002 World Cup when the US defeated Mexico 2-0 in the Round of 16. It has since been repeated in multiple crucial matches, especially in World Cup qualifiers held in Columbus, Ohio, further embedding it into the lore of the rivalry​