Fertility Cannot Be Increased

One of the main purposes of a woman is to give birth to a child. But pregnancy does not always come as easily as one would like. An important factor for conception is female fertility, which is an indicator of the health of the entire reproductive system of a woman. And there is an opinion that this indicator can not be increased, but is it so? Read our article.

What Is Female Fertility?

Female fertility is directly the ability of a woman to conceive and bear offspring. From birth, a woman’s body contains several million oocytes, which are conceived during intrauterine development. It is believed that by adolescence their number decreases to about 400 thousand. It is important to realize that these cells do not renew themselves in the body as sperm cells do in men.

From the moment puberty begins (when girls start menstruating), the eggs that were previously dormant in the ovaries begin to gradually mature. Once a month, approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a mature egg comes out of the follicle – this process is called ovulation, and it is directly related to a woman’s ability to conceive a child. After fertilization by a sperm cell, the egg gradually enters the uterus, where it attaches to the uterine wall for further growth and development of the fetus.

What Fertility Depends On

Female fertility depends not only on ovulation but also on other conditions of the body:

  • The fallopian tubes, where the egg is to meet the sperm, must have normal patency;
  • The endometrium must be of sufficient thickness to allow successful implantation of the embryo for subsequent development;
  • The uterus and its cervix must be healthy to carry the baby and reduce the likelihood of premature labor.

All the processes of a woman’s reproductive system are constantly influenced by the various hormones produced by the body. Therefore, the hormonal background is also extremely important for female fertility.

The level of female fertility is usually assessed by three factors – the ability to conceive, bear, and give birth to a child. It is considered that if a woman is capable of only 2 out of three factors, her fertility is low, if she is capable of all 3 factors, her fertility is normal. High fertility is said to be when a woman can conceive, bear, and give birth to several children in a row.

Is It Possible to Increase Fertility?

When any health problems that prevent you from conceiving a child are detected, the first thing to do is to start adequate treatment prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, both drug therapy and surgical intervention can be prescribed.

But in addition to diseases and health-related disorders, many factors can help improve fertility and give birth to a healthy baby. The following rules can increase the ability to conceive and give birth to a baby:

  • Regular sexual life (at least 2-3 times weekly);
  • Balanced nutrition (refusal of low-calorie diets, the inclusion of various foods in the diet, exclusion of unhealthy food – fried, too fatty, pickled, and so on);
  • Complete renunciation of bad habits (alcohol and smoking);
  • Moderate physical activity;
  • Reducing caffeine intake;
  • Minimizing stress;
  • Observance of water balance (daily observance of the norm of pure water about 2 liters);
  • Refusal to take painkillers during ovulation, as they can negatively affect the whole process.

We would especially like to emphasize the use of prenatals – vitamin complexes, such as Mira Prenatal Multi-Vitamins. These are vitamins with a multi-component formula that includes ingredients that promote reproductive health and hormonal balance. Developed by fertility experts, this vitamin complex enhances fertility health at every stage, from prenatal to postpartum.

All these recommendations can favorably affect a woman’s fertility, increasing the likelihood of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, these rules should be followed regardless of the level of fertility and the presence of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant in the past.

Factors Affecting Fertility

It is worth realizing that a woman’s fertility level is not an invariable indicator given from birth. The following factors should always be considered when assessing female fertility. Some of them lead to the inability to get pregnant, while others affect the ability to conceive.

  1. Age (every year the eggs come out of the ovaries less frequently, cycles without ovulation are more frequent);
  2. Too much or not enough weight (affects the hormonal background);
  3. Stress (causes hormonal imbalance);
  4. Early menopause;
  5. Certain diseases that affect hormonal balance (diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, and others);
  6. Obstruction of the Fallopian tubes;
  7. Certain gynecologic diseases (including non-inflammatory diseases);
  8. Numerous surgical interventions in the uterus (primarily abortions);
  9. Harmful habits.

Violations of female fertility can have a permanent character – it is impossible to get pregnant naturally, as well as temporary – with the elimination of negative factors, conception and birth of a child is possible.


If pregnancy does not occur for a year after the beginning of active attempts, you should look for a deeper cause, for which you should consult a doctor. With their help, the body will be examined and, if necessary, a special treatment will be prescribed.