Is Bibles for America Legit

This is a question many people ask when they come across the organization’s offer to send free Bibles to anyone interested. In a world where scams and fraudulent activities are common, it’s natural to be cautious. Bibles for America (BfA) is a non-profit organization that distributes free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian literature to anyone who requests them. They claim their mission is to make the Word of God accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or financial situation. But how can you be sure that Bibles for America is a legitimate organization? In this article, we will explore BfA’s mission, operations, reviews, and more to answer the question: Is Bibles for America legit?

Is Bibles for America legit?

Yes, Bibles for America is a legitimate non-profit organization dedicated to distributing free Bibles and Christian literature. It has been operational for years and has received positive reviews from many recipients who have successfully received their Bibles. Their mission is to make the Word of God accessible to everyone, and they do this by offering free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version. For more detailed information, you can visit their official website or read reviews from other users.

The Mission of Bibles for America

Bibles for America (BfA) was founded with a simple yet profound mission: to distribute free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian literature to anyone who requests them. This mission is grounded in their belief that everyone should have access to the Word of God, regardless of their financial situation or background. By providing these resources for free, BfA aims to remove barriers that might prevent people from exploring Christianity and deepening their faith.

The organization operates primarily through its website, where individuals can request a free Bible. BfA covers the cost of the Bible and shipping, ensuring no hidden fees or obligations for the recipient. This commitment to accessibility is one of the hallmarks of their service.

In addition to distributing Bibles, BfA offers a range of Christian literature designed to help individuals grow in their faith. These materials are carefully selected to complement the Bible and provide additional insights and guidance for readers. BfA’s focus on quality and accessibility has earned them a positive reputation among those using their services.

Despite their straightforward mission, some people remain skeptical about BfA’s legitimacy. This skepticism is understandable, given the prevalence of scams and fraudulent activities online. However, BfA has consistently demonstrated its commitment to transparency and integrity, providing detailed information about its operations and mission on its website.

BfA’s dedication to its mission is also evident in the feedback it receives from recipients. Many people have shared their positive experiences with BfA, expressing gratitude for the free resources and their impact on their spiritual journeys. These testimonials provide further evidence of BfA’s legitimacy and the genuine nature of its mission.

In conclusion, the mission of the Bibles for America is to make the Word of God accessible to everyone by providing free Bibles and Christian literature. Their commitment to this mission and positive feedback from recipients support the conclusion that BfA is a legitimate and trustworthy organization.

How Does Bibles for America Operate?

Requesting a Free Bible: 

Individuals can visit their website and complete a simple request form to receive a free Bible from Bibles for America. The form asks for basic information such as the recipient’s name and address, ensuring that the Bible can be shipped directly to them.

Shipping and Delivery Process: 

Once a request is submitted, BfA handles the shipping and delivery process. They cover all associated costs, ensuring the recipient does not have to pay for anything. BfA partners with reliable shipping services to ensure that the Bibles are delivered promptly and in good condition.

Transparency and Accountability: 

BfA is committed to transparency and accountability in its operations. Its website provides detailed information about its mission, funding, and activities, which helps build trust with recipients and donors alike.

Partnerships and Collaborations: 

BfA collaborates with other organizations and ministries to further its mission. These partnerships enable BfA to reach a wider audience and provide additional resources to those in need. BfA’s network of partners is a testament to its credibility and the respect it has earned within the Christian community.

Feedback and Testimonials: 

BfA actively seeks feedback from recipients to continually improve its services. It shares testimonials and stories from those who have received Bibles, highlighting the positive impact of its work. These testimonials serve as robust evidence of BfA’s legitimacy and effectiveness.

Reviews and Testimonials

When evaluating whether Bibles for America is legit, reviews and testimonials play a crucial role. Here’s a detailed look at what people are saying about this organization:

  • Positive Experiences: Many recipients have shared overwhelmingly positive experiences with Bibles for America. They frequently highlight the ease of the request process and the joy of receiving a high-quality Bible without any hidden costs. Users appreciate that BfA keeps its promises and delivers what it offers—free Bible and Christian literature.
  • Impact on Spiritual Growth: Numerous testimonials underscore the significant impact that receiving a Bible from BfA has had on individuals’ spiritual journeys. Many recipients have expressed how these materials have deepened their understanding of the scriptures and strengthened their faith. For some, the free Bible was their first personal copy, which profoundly impacted their spiritual lives.
  • Transparency and Integrity: Reviews often praise BfA’s commitment to transparency and integrity. Recipients have noted BfA’s clear communication, with no hidden agendas or unexpected solicitations. This transparency builds trust and reassures people that the organization focuses on spreading the Word of God.
  • Support from the Christian Community: BfA has garnered support from various Christian organizations and leaders, further validating its legitimacy. These endorsements add credibility, showing that respected figures within the Christian community recognize and support BfA’s mission.
  • Consistent Service: Over the years, BfA has consistently provided free Bibles to thousands of individuals, demonstrating reliability and steadfast commitment to their cause. Recipients frequently mention the prompt delivery and quality of the materials, reinforcing the organization’s dedication to its mission.
  • Real Stories: The heartfelt stories shared by recipients bring a personal touch to BfA’s impact. For instance, one individual recounted how receiving a free Bible during a challenging time provided much-needed comfort and guidance. Another shared how BfA’s resources helped them lead a Bible study group, benefiting many others in their community.


In conclusion, “Is Bibles for America legit?” can be answered with a resounding yes. Bibles for America is a legitimate non-profit organization dedicated to distributing free Bibles and Christian literature. Their commitment to accessibility, transparency, and integrity has earned them a positive reputation among recipients and the Christian community. The positive feedback from those who have received free Bibles further validates BfA’s legitimacy and the impact of its mission. By making the Word of God accessible to everyone, BfA continues to fulfill its mission and positively impact the lives of many individuals.


Does Bibles for America charge for shipping or the Bible itself?

No, Bibles for America covers all costs, including shipping. The recipient does not have to pay anything, ensuring that the Bibles are entirely free of charge.

What kind of Bibles do Bibles for America distribute?

Bibles for America primarily distributes the New Testament Recovery Version and a variety of Christian literature designed to help individuals grow in their faith.

How long does receiving a Bible from Bibles for America take?

The delivery time can vary depending on your location. Still, Bibles for America partners with reliable shipping services to ensure that the Bibles are delivered promptly and in good condition.